Uncovering the Tell-Tale Signs of a Shoddy Roofing Job | Big Easy Roofing FREE Roofing Estimates
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Uncovering the Tell-Tale Signs of a Shoddy Roofing Job

Are you a homeowner who has recently had roofing work done? If so, it’s important to be aware of the signs of a bad roofing job. Pay attention to these warning signs in order to identify if your new roof is not up to par with industry standards for a successful installation.

Knowing what constitutes as “signs of a bad roofing job” will help ensure that you get the best results from your investment into your home’s exterior protection!

Table of Contents:

9 Signs of a Bad Roofing Job

When it comes to roofing, a bad job can be hard to spot. However, there are some tell-tale signs that you should look out for if you suspect that you have a poorly installed roof. Here are the top seven signs of a bad roofing job:

Damaged or Missing Shingles

Damaged or missing shingles are one of the most common signs of a bad roofing job. Shingles are an important part of your roof and should be in good condition to protect your home from water damage. If you notice any damaged or missing shingles, it is important to have them replaced as soon as possible by a qualified roofer.

The first sign that something may be wrong with your shingles is if they look cracked, curled, torn, or otherwise damaged. This can happen due to extreme weather conditions such as hail storms and high winds which can cause physical damage to the shingle material itself. It could also be caused by improper installation techniques such as not using enough nails when installing new shingles or not properly securing existing ones in place during repairs.

Another sign that something may be wrong with your shingles is if there are any gaps between them where air and moisture can get through into the underlying structure of your home’s roof system. This could indicate that either some of the original shingles were never installed correctly or that additional ones need to be added for better coverage over time due to wear and tear from age and weather exposure.

Key Takeaway: Damaged or missing shingles can be a sign of a bad roofing job and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Sagging Rooflines

A sagging roofline is one of the most common signs of a bad roofing job. It’s an indication that something has gone wrong with the installation or repair process and should be addressed immediately. A sagging roofline can occur when there is inadequate support for the weight of the shingles, when shingles are improperly installed, or when too much material was used in a single area.

roofline of a shingle roof

When inspecting your roof for signs of sagging, look for any areas where shingles appear to be drooping down from their original position. This could indicate that either too much material was used in one spot or not enough support was provided during installation. Additionally, check around chimneys and other protrusions as these areas often require extra reinforcement to prevent them from pulling down on the rest of the roof structure.

In some cases, it may also be necessary to replace certain components such as flashing or underlayment if they have been damaged due to improper installation techniques. If you notice any visible damage along your rooftop edges, then this should also be investigated further as it could point towards underlying structural issues which need addressing before they become more serious problems later on down the line.

Finally, if you suspect that your home’s sagging rooflines are caused by excessive weight being placed upon them then it might be worth considering adding additional supports such as trusses or rafters underneath them in order to provide extra stability and prevent future issues from occurring. Taking proactive steps like this will help ensure that your home remains safe and secure for years to come.

A sagging roofline can be a sign of improper installation or weak structure, so it’s important to have an experienced roofing contractor assess the issue before any repairs are made.

Key Takeaway: Signs of a bad roofing job include sagging rooflines, visible damage along rooftop edges, inadequate support for shingle weight, and improper installation techniques. Homeowners should investigate further and consider adding support ports to prevent future issues.

Mismatched Shingles

Mismatched shingles are a telltale sign of a bad roofing job. When you look at your roof, the shingles should be uniform in size and color. If there is an obvious difference between the colors or sizes of the shingles, then it’s likely that they were not installed correctly. This could be due to poor craftsmanship or incorrect installation techniques used by the contractor.

Another indication of mismatched shingles is if some appear to be newer than others on your roof. The new ones may have been added after storm damage occurred or other events, but weren’t properly matched with existing materials so they stand out from the rest of your roof’s appearance.

In addition to being aesthetically unappealing, mismatched shingles can also lead to problems down the road such as water leakage and potential structural damage caused by improper installation methods. It’s important for homeowners to inspect their roofs regularly for signs of wear and tear as well as any discrepancies in color or size that could indicate an issue with their roof’s integrity.

If you notice any signs of mismatched shingles on your home’s rooftop, it is important to contact a professional immediately for inspection and repair services before further damage occurs. A qualified contractor will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action in order to match existing materials while ensuring proper installation techniques are used. This will help prevent any future issues due to improper workmanship or faulty materials being used during repairs/replacements.

Mismatched shingles can be a sign of an inexperienced roofer or someone who didn’t take the time to properly match and install them.

Missing Underlayment

What is Underlayment?

Underlayment is a layer of material that goes between the roof deck and the shingles. It helps protect your home from water damage, provides an extra layer of insulation, and can help reduce noise levels in your home. Without it, you could be at risk for leaks or other issues with your roof.

roofer installing underlayment on roof

Why Is Missing Underlayment A Problem?

Missing underlayment can cause serious problems for homeowners because it leaves their homes vulnerable to water damage. When there’s no underlayment present, rainwater can seep through the gaps in the shingles and into the attic or other parts of the house. This moisture can lead to mold growth, rot, structural damage, and more expensive repairs down the line if not addressed quickly enough.

How Can You Tell If Your Home Has Missing Underlayment?

If you suspect that your home may have missing underlayment but aren’t sure how to tell for sure, then contact a professional roofer who will be able to inspect your roof thoroughly and determine whether or not there are any areas where underlayment is missing or damaged. They may also recommend additional steps such as replacing worn-out flashing around vents or chimneys which could indicate that there was once an area of missing underlayment too.

Without proper underlayment, a roof can be more susceptible to water damage and other issues. This is why it’s important to look for signs of uniformity when inspecting your roof for quality workmanship.

Key Takeaway: Missing underlayment can lead to serious problems for homeowners, such as water damage, mold growth, and structural damage. If you suspect your home may have missing underlayment, contact a professional roofer to inspect it and replace any worn-out flashing around vents or chimneys.

Lack of Uniformity

A lack of uniformity in a roofing job is one of the most common signs that it was not done correctly. This can be seen in shingle size, color, and shape. For example, if the same type of shingle is used on different sections of the roof but they are slightly different sizes or colors then this could indicate a poor installation job. Additionally, if there are multiple types of shingles used on the same roof then this could also be an indication that something was not done properly.

Another sign that your roof may have been installed incorrectly is when flashing pieces do not match up with each other properly. Flashing should fit together seamlessly to ensure proper water drainage from your home’s rooftop. If these pieces do not line up correctly then you may experience leaks which can cause serious damage to your home’s interior over time.

It is important for homeowners to ensure that their contractor uses only new and approved materials for any repair or replacement work they are doing on their roofs so as to avoid potential issues with leaking or structural problems caused by worn-out parts being reused during installation jobs.

If your roof appears to have an uneven look, this could be a sign of poor job and lack of uniformity. It’s important to inspect other aspects of the roofing job, such as the presence of a drip edge, for further evidence of shoddy workmanship.

Key Takeaway: A bad roofing job can be indicated by a lack of uniformity in shingle size, color, and shape.

Missing Drip Edge

A drip edge is an important part of a roofing system, and it should never be missing. A drip edge is a metal flashing that’s installed along the eaves and rakes of the roof. It helps to direct water away from the edges of your roof and into your gutters, preventing water damage to your home’s siding, fascia boards, or foundation.

roofer installing metal drip edge

When installing a new roof, contractors must install drip edges at all eaves and rakes before they lay down any shingles. If you notice that there are no drip edges on your home’s existing roof when it’s being replaced or repaired, this could be a sign of poor job by previous contractors who may have neglected to include them in their installation process.

Without proper drainage away from the perimeter of the house due to missing drip edge flashings, serious problems such as rotting wood around windowsills or doorsills caused by trapped moisture behind cladding materials like vinyl siding or brick veneer walls can occur. If not addressed quickly enough, this can lead to costly repairs down the road.

It is also important to note that even if you do have some kind of metal flashing installed along your eaves and rakes, but it does not look like a traditional “drip edge”, this could still indicate poor workmanship. Most modern roofs require specific types of metal flashings designed specifically for directing water away from vulnerable areas around windowsills and doorsills where moisture can become trapped. If left unaddressed, this can lead to costly repairs down the road.

Key Takeaway: A missing drip edge can lead to water damage and costly repairs, so it’s important to make sure your roofer has installed one properly.

Reused Flashing

Flashing is an important part of any roofing system and should never be reused or recycled from another job. Reusing flashing can lead to leaks, water damage, and other problems that can cause costly repairs down the line.

Flashing is used around areas where two different materials meet on your roof such as vents, chimneys, skylights, valleys, eaves troughs, and more. It helps keep water out by providing a barrier between the two materials so that it doesn’t seep in through cracks or crevices. If the flashing isn’t properly installed or if it has been reused from another job then it won’t provide adequate protection against water intrusion which could result in serious damage to your home over time.

It’s easy to spot reused flashing since it will usually have discoloration due to age and weather exposure as well as signs of wear-and-tear such as rust spots or corrosion marks on its surface. In addition, you may also notice gaps between pieces of flashing that are too large for proper installation which indicates they were not cut correctly for this particular job site either because they were recycled from elsewhere or simply because they weren’t measured accurately enough when being installed at your home.

Reused flashing is a major sign of a bad roofing job, as it can lead to water leakage and other issues.

Key Takeaway: Reused flashing is a key sign of a bad roofing job and should never be used as it can lead to costly repairs due to water damage. Signs of reused flashing include discoloration, rust spots, corrosion marks, and gaps between pieces that are too large for proper installation.

Water Leakage

It can occur due to poor installation, inadequate materials, or improper maintenance. Water leakage can cause serious damage to your home and should be addressed immediately.

One of the most obvious signs of water leakage is visible stains on ceilings and walls inside your house caused by dripping rainwater from above them after it has penetrated through weak spots in the roof structure such as cracked tiles or missing underlayment material around vents/pipes etc. This type of staining often appears as dark patches with streaks running down them which indicate where exactly leaks are occurring within a room’s interior space so you know what needs repairing outside before further damage occurs indoors too.

bucket and water on the flooring

Another sign that you may have a leaky roof is mold growth on surfaces near windowsills, doorsills, and walls. This usually indicates an area where there has been prolonged exposure to dampness coming from outside sources like rainwater seeping its way through weak points in roofs’ structures over time.

This kind of mold growth often carries an unpleasant musty smell as well. Additionally, mildew odors emanating from attics (which tend not to be well-ventilated) could also point towards potential problems with leaking roofs since wet air tends to accumulate up there more easily than elsewhere due to its lack of proper airflow circulation throughout those spaces.

Water leakage is one of the most common signs of a bad roofing job, and it can lead to serious damage if left unchecked. Now let’s take a look at another sign of a poor roofing job – roof stains.

Key Takeaway: Water leakage is a common sign of a bad roofing job, caused by poor installation, inadequate materials, or improper maintenance. Signs include visible stains on ceilings and walls and mold growth near windowsills which may be accompanied by musty odors.

Roof Stains

Roof stains are a common problem for homeowners and can be caused by a variety of factors. Roof stains occur when water, dirt, or other debris accumulates on the roof surface and causes discoloration. The most common cause of roof staining is algae growth, which often appears as black streaks or patches on the shingles. Algae thrive in moist environments with plenty of sunlight.

Algae aren’t just unsightly; they can also reduce the lifespan of your roof if left untreated. Algae feed off the limestone filler found in asphalt shingles, causing them to deteriorate faster than normal over time. In addition to algae growth, other sources of roof staining include moss buildup, bird droppings, rust from metal flashing or nails that have been exposed to moisture for too long, tree sap residue from nearby trees and shrubs touching your home’s exterior walls or gutters, and even pollution from industrial areas close by.

Key Takeaway: Roof stains are caused by a variety of factors, including algae growth, moss buildup, bird droppings, rust from metal flashing or nails exposed to moisture, tree sap residue, and pollution. Homeowners should be aware of these signs as they can reduce the lifespan of the roof if left untreated.

How to avoid a Bad Roofing Contractor

When looking for a roofing contractor, it’s important to do your research and ask questions, such as asking for recommendations from friends or family members and reading online reviews.

When you find a few potential contractors, ask about their experience, qualifications, insurance coverage, warranties offered, estimated cost of the job, payment terms, and the timeline for completion.

Before signing any contracts, make sure all details are clearly stated in writing, including the scope of work, start and end date estimates, and payment terms. Additionally, it’s important to get copies of all permits required by local building codes before beginning any construction work on your home’s roofing system.

It’s also important to avoid low bids as they may come from inexperienced or unqualified workers who may not provide quality results. Instead, look for fair prices based on market rates while also considering other factors such as customer service levels provided by each company before making your final decision.


It is important to be aware of the signs of a bad roofing job in order to protect your home project from costly repairs. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best to contact a reputable roofing company like Big Easy Roofing and our team of expert roofers as soon as possible. Don’t forget that prevention is key and regular maintenance can help prevent more serious problems from arising. Pay attention to the warning signs and if you suspect something isn’t right with your roof, don’t hesitate to call an experienced roofer who will inspect for any potential signs of a bad roofing job.

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